For(;;) YOLO

K8s on Bare Metal: Persistent Volume Provisioner

We run our severs on bare mental and there are a lot of scenarios we have to use a persistent volume or such things where we need to persist some conf

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-05-07

How to make OpenCat support Perplexity

In my routine, I always use Perplexity to solve my problems and help find the answers or summarize the web page or "Google that for me". What's more,

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-05-06

K8s Trivial Questions

Here are some examples or illustrations that I use quite a lot in my work routine. How to reuse env parameter in another one(e.g. assemble many into o

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-30

ArgoCD intermittent updates to manifest fail

Under our scenario we put Github Actions to use argocd cli to update our app's manifest, which is like below - name: Update ArgoCD Image

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-30

Mac App: Mac Mouse Fix

💡 Make sure your mouse uses generic USB driver other than a private or modified protocol, or the below contents may not be applied to your case. Furt

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-26

K8s on Bare metal: Teleport by helm

Helm Charts here, I use terraform + helm provider to install teleport charts. We have to start from here:

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-17

K8s on Bare metal: Servers

This is a series posts which illustrates how to start a brand new k8s cluster on bare metal servers. I will introduce all the procedure of that and sh

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-17

Migrate Big Table in MySQL

Migrate MySQL big table(50 Million) rows using insert into xxx select * from yyy and it said ERROR 1206 (HY000): The total number of locks exceeds the

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-11

Helm stucking at "Uninstalling" Status

Sometimes if we do not pay attention to the helm release uninstallation order, like we removed one release which includes CRDs and then we try to remo

d0zingcat d0zingcat 发布于 2024-04-07