Here are some examples or illustrations that I use quite a lot in my work routine.
How to reuse env parameter in another one(e.g. assemble many into one)
That’s quite useful for database DSN configuration like work cases.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mysql-app
- name: mysql-container
image: mysql:5.7
- name: mysql_host
value: "mysql.default.svc.cluster.local"
- name: mysql_db
value: "myapp"
- name: mysql_port
value: "3306"
- name: PROTOCOL
value: "mysql"
- name: mysql_dsn
value: "$(PROTOCOL)://$(mysql_host):$(mysql_port)/$(mysql_db)"
Why my kustomization replaced my base envFrom
You can find detail K8s Definition from here. If there’s no other notes about the patch strategy
and patch merge key
, that means the key is entirely replaced by the overlays one against the base, e.g. env
from deployment will be merged along with the overlays but not the envFrom